Cupquake Wiki

Forum policies[]

Before contributing to the Cupquake Wiki Forums, please keep in mind these policies.

No Profanity

We work hard to keep this wiki appropriate for all ages. With profanity, we cannot achieve this goal. Profanity includes swear words, inappropriate media, and blasphemy. If you do use profanity, it will be removed promptly and you will receive a ban whose time will depend on the severity of the profanity. Having profanity and inappropriate media on our wiki also disqualifies this wiki from receiving help from the Wikia Community Development Team and violate Wikia's terms of service.

Post any messages directed at Cupquake or Red on the Fan Mail board

Cuqpuake and Red have no part in the upkeep of this wiki. They most likely will not see your post, but for those who would like to try, you are welcome to post on the Fan Mail board ONLY.

Be nice and treat people with respect.

People from all around the world read and edit this wiki and its forums. Like any other collaborative project, not everyone will agree all the time. Keep discussions civil and be open minded about differing opinions. We're all here because we love the same topic.

Try to find existing discussions first, but don't be afraid to start a new thread.

Please take a moment to sift through the Cupquake Wiki Forum boards to see if a discussion already exists regarding your topic. If you can't find what you're looking for, jump right in and start a new discussion!

Be Productive

If your post has no point, or there is no way to create a discussion from it, it will be removed by admin. The forum is a place to inspire creative discussions, and establish new ideas.

Ask for help.

Notice something that doesn't seem right? Or do you have a question? Ask for help here on the forums! If you need help from Wikia staff, please reach out on Community Central or via Special:Contact.

Do Not Post Real Name Or Location

As with any website, it is not safe to give out personal information online. It is unacceptable to try to obtain information about others including Tiffany and Red. Asking for addresses other than that of a PO box is never acceptable.

Have fun!

The Cupquake Wiki community is happy to have you here. We look forward to seeing you around as we discuss this topic we all love.

Forum FAQ[]

How do I stay on top of discussions I'm interested in?

With a Wikia user account, you can follow specific conversations and then receive notification messages (either on-site or via email) when a discussion has more activity. Be sure to sign up for a Wikia account if you don't already have one.

Will Cupquake see my post?

Cupquake and Red rarely (if ever) visit this wiki, and are not involved in the creation or upkeep of it. There is a very small chance they will see your forum post. Therefore, try not to post forum posts directly aimed at Cupquake, or try and get any of Cupquake's personal information on the forum. Posts directed at Tiffany or Red that are not on the fan mail board will be deleted.

How do I remove vandalism?

If you notice some spam or vandalism on a thread, hover your mouse over the vandal text. You'll see a "More" button appear. Inside the "More" menu, you'll find "Remove". This will allow you to remove the vandalism and optionally inform an admin.

I am offended by a post. What should I do?

Keep in mind some content is offensive to some people and not to others. As mentioned in the last question, you may hover your mouse over the offensive text. You'll see a "More" button appear. Inside the "More" menu, you'll find "Remove". If you feel an admin must be notified to take further action -such as blocking the user- tick the inform an admin box. If you feel there is more action required after that, write to an admin on their Message Wall, or contact Wikia staff.

What are Kudos?

If you find a particular discussion or reply interesting, well thought out, or amusing you can show direct appreciation by giving it Kudos. They can be helpful in voting situations, too.

What are Topics?

Topics allow you to link a forum discussion with a wiki article. It's another way to keep Forums organized and to help people find interesting discussions. For example, a Forum thread tagged with "Lord Voldemort" will appear at the bottom of the "Lord Voldemort" article.